Let there be no compulsion in religion. --Qur'an 2:256

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Senior Muslim clerics in Jakarta oppose suicide bombers and radical Islam

An overwhelming majority of senior Muslim clerics in Jakarta reject suicide bombings, believe in national unity and consider democracy is the best form of government, this according to a report released today.

The study was conducted by the Center for the Study of Religion and Culture (CSRC) at Jakarta’s Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University between November 2008 and January 2009. It surveyed 250 takmir masjid (mosque managers) in Jakarta.

Significantly, some 74 per cent did not agree that the main purpose of jihad was to wage war

“On the question of whether violence is allowed to uphold amar ma’ruf nahi munkar [guiding people to the right path], 89 per cent of the respondents reject it, 9 per cent agree and the remaining 2 per cent are undecided,” CSRC research coordinator Ridwan Al Makassary said.

The survey all shows that for 75 per cent of respondents suicide bombing cannot be considered jihad compared to 9 per cent who said it was.   »»» Asia News (Italy)

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