Let there be no compulsion in religion. --Qur'an 2:256

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Amsterdam: National Islam Congress

Around 1,000 people attended the first National Islam Congress in Amsterdam today. The event was organised by the Institute of Islamic Studies in order to highlight Islam’s diversity and promote dialogue. There were numerous discussions and workshops as well as lectures given by Islamic scholars from numerous countries including Saudi Arabia, United States, Great Britain and the Netherlands.

Participants, both Muslim and non-Muslim, discussed various issues including citizenship, the position of Muslim women, Sharia law and Salafism, a fundamentalist Sunni Muslim movement.   »»» Radio Netherlands Worldwide

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Comment from Johanni
Time: 6 November 2009, 04:19


We can no longer remain silent. There is a climate of hate and fear while walking along the streets of Amsterdam. The Islamic ideology is disturbing our freedom. We no longer feel safe in our Homeland. But a deadly fear of any fanatic Muslim who comes from your behind and cut-off your throat just for the fun of not being a radical Muslim.

This is reality in Holland. To any Muslim in Amsterdam. It is permissible to kill in the name of Allah, anyone who may teach otherwise would be taken down and beheaded.

Muslims in Amsterdam are all devoted believers and each Muslim is afraid of one another. In case if any one will renounce Islam will end up beheaded there and than.

Islam is a Cult of terror that do not support dialogue neither tolerance. The Cult of Islam creates a sense of fear and tension. Yet Islam is dominant in the Metropolis. And the question is:
” Who is the boss in Amsterdam”?

Nice words and pontification serves only to damage the situation
The domestic war on the Netherlands is part of a distant past of the Imperial Dutch Empire who traded slaves with Indonesia. Now the slave is the Master.

Amsterdam is the hub of Islamic incubation who furnishes Europe
and is a transit via the Shengen junction to all the members of the EU. The shifting of Islam in Europe is gaining legal and political shelter of remarkable antagonism. We must begin to recognize the threat.

Today, one may reach a deal with Islam. The next day will be totally different opinion. There exist no logic in Islam to understand. Because there is nothing to understand. The mythical theology of Islam is nothing than any common Muslim invent.

Young men in Indonesia with nothing to do than having themselves brainwashed in Jihad. Jihad is an Islamic mod of skepticism that denies the values of life. Students of Jihad in
Pondok Ngruki and Rahima Institutes offers a home and a way out of poverty to many homeless young Indonesians and prepare them to reach academic qualification as teachers in Islamic Oration.

The three bombers of the last Jemaah Islamiyah Attacks on both hotels in Jakarta were Jihad graduated from Ponok Ngruki academy of Islamic culture under the instructor Syaefuddin Jaelani the main preacher of As-Surur Mosque.

The young Bombers sent on the revenge towards Jakarta Hotels
were:- Dani Permana 18 years., Nama Maulana 28 and young Ibrohim the three are successful Jihad candidates elected from
Pondok Ngruki Academy under the coaching of Jaelani’s.

Jaelani’s right-hand of Jihad academy of studies is, Listiani Lestari id:530971312. Passport No.M768670. Listiani Lestari
nowadays is living in Amsterdam under the protection of the
The Amsterdam Islamic Community of Rahima Sipkema.
The presence of this high Islamic official in Amsterdam is the
idea of the construction of a Jemaah network in Amsterdam possible covering the North European Hemisphere. Namely:-
” Jemaah Ansar al-Tawhid f’Urupa”


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