Not a word does one utter, except that there is an angel watching, ready to record it. --Qur'an 50:18

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Religious Terrorist or Mass Murderer?

People who knew and studied Maj. Nidal Hasan say he was a loner who had no luck finding a wife, and a criminal profiler said the Fort Hood shooting suspect fits the profile of a mass murderer better than that of a terrorist.

“A lot of people are jumping to the conclusion because this man spouted violent Islamic ideology that this is a terrorist attack,” criminologist Pat Brown said.

“He was simply a lone guy who had issues, problems, psychopathic behaviors that escalated to the point where he wanted to get back at society, and he took it out on his workmates like most of them do,” he said.   »»»

A few years ago, the expression “to go postal” entered the American English vocabulary. It was used after several fairly closely spaced incidents occurred in which disgruntled post office workers went berserk and killed their supervisors and co-workers because they were enraged over the treatment the post office and their supervisors had given them. Like them, it appears that Maj. Hasan “went postal” because of his anger at his employer and like the others, he focussed that anger on his coworkers who were not responsible the employer’s perceived injustices.

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