Not a word does one utter, except that there is an angel watching, ready to record it. --Qur'an 50:18

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Islam does not condone killings like those at Ft. Hood

As a Muslim, I condemn the horrific tragedy that occurred at Fort Hood last Thursday. My heart goes out to the families of American service members who were killed and wounded in the shooting. I am afraid that this incident will disrupt the collective interests of all human beings due to a new wave of distrust and cynicism.

Islam does not condone such killings. The Qur’an clearly states that deliberate killing of an innocent human being constitutes crimes against humanity. Incidents like this can shatter the composure of hundreds of millions of Muslims who want peace and work every day for peace within themselves and their societies.

Who are the victims of this tragic and shameless act? It is not only the victims and their families. Our whole world is victimized by this hatred, anger, and violence. As a result of these events, churches may turn against mosques and media groups may stereotype minorities. People may eye one another more suspiciously and pundits may grow angrier in tone. Vested interests may also manipulate these societal divisions in order to pursue their own ends.    »»»

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