Not a word does one utter, except that there is an angel watching, ready to record it. --Qur'an 50:18

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French Senate Passes Ban on Full Muslim Veils

The French Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly passed a bill banning the burqa-style Islamic veil on public streets and other places, a measure that affects less than 2,000 women but that has been widely seen as a symbolic defense of French values.

The Senate voted 246 to 1 in favor of the bill in a final step toward making the ban a law — though it now must pass muster with France’s constitutional watchdog. The bill was overwhelmingly passed in July in the lower house, the National Assembly.

Many Muslims believe the legislation is one more blow to France’s No. 2 religion, and risks raising the level of Islamophobia in a country where mosques, like synagogues, are sporadic targets of hate. However, the law’s many proponents say it will preserve the nation’s values, including its secular foundations and a notion of fraternity that is contrary to those who hide their faces.   »»» Asharq Alawsat Newspaper (English ed.)

There were also about 100 leftist senators who were present but abstained from voting. They were apparently against the law but did not want their opposition to be politically embarassing.

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