There is no divinity but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's prophet.

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Naheed Nenshi becomes Canada’s first Muslim mayor

If you don’t know the name Naheed Nenshi, take note.

A grassroots campaign driven by volunteers has delivered Canada its first Muslim mayor – Mr. Naheed Nenshi, who scored a staggering win in Calgary’s mayor’s race Monday.

He defeated two better-funded candidates, including one backed by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s campaign team, and saw his support surge in the final few weeks. To say Mr. Nenshi’s campaign was austere is understatement – he delivered his victory speech in a basement that was donated by a supporter at the last second.

He achieved what many observers thought impossible – a wonkish, even dorky, academic and visible minority elected to the helm of what is often called Canada’s most conservative city after a campaign driven by charisma and sheer determination.

“Today Calgary is a different place than it was yesterday. A better place,” Mr. Nenshi said in a speech to his supporters.

   »»» The Globe and Mail (Canada)

Abu Yaal Ma’qil bin Yasar (God be pleased with him) relates that he heard the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) say: “A person who is appointed in authority over people and betrays them will not be allowed to enter Paradise after he dies.” (In the compilations of Bukhari and Muslim)

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