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Mohsen Radi: New Constitution Guarantees Freedom of Art

Mohsen Radi, member of the People’s Assembly and member of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP)’s National Committee, affirmed that freedom of art is a right that will certainly be guaranteed by the forthcoming Constitution and that there will be no restriction of art and creativity.

He pointed that the Muslim Brotherhood presented great works for the stage in the 1980s, especially on Almotahideen Theater in Ramses Street, including the plays Shaklaba (Somersault), Hilm (A Dream), Alharafeesh (Outcasts) and Blood on Kaaba’s Cover, as well as three ‘variety’ concerts.

Speaking to the ‘Life Today’ program on satellite TV channel Al-Hayat, Radi added that the State Security apparatus saw that the Brotherhood were artistically active, and could touch the hearts of people.

“Hence, they closed the theaters on which we offered our art productions, such as Almotahideen Theater, followed by Alhosabir Theater, so as to keep people fearful of the Muslim Brotherhood, and to maintain and entrench the idea that the Brotherhood is only good at preaching.   »»» Ikhwanweb

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