Let there be no compulsion in religion. --Qur'an 2:256

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Muslim Group Threatens Egypt’s Coptic Christians; Tells Them to ‘Pay Tribute’

An armed Islamic movement calling itself the “Brigade of Muslims” released a statement on Saturday threatening Egypt’s Coptic Christians and asking them to pay tribute.

“Egypt is an Islamic country and will be ruled according to Shariah,” the statement added.

The movement threatened all Egyptian media professionals who “mock religion and Islamic rule,” adding that it has a special list of media professionals and their persistence in mocking will result in the “shedding of their blood in the ugliest way.”   »»» global.christianpost.com

Groups like this remind us that Islamic extremists suffer from the same spiritual perversion as Protestant Puritans in the American Colonies and Catholic Inquisitioners in the late 15th century. They ignore orthodox teaching and practice vigilante justice that involves tormenting and killing anyone (even their own co-religionists) who do not follow their own misinterpretations of religious doctrine. These self-appointed judges and executions claim to practise “jihad” (the struggle to conquer one’s base self, to protect Muslims and to establish the rule of Islam). In fact, they practise “fasad” (by spreading commotion, turmoil, terror, injustice, sedition and other forms of mischief).

In the Qur’an, Allah says this about fasad: “Those who break the covenant of Allah after ratifying it, and sever that which Allah ordered to be joined, and (who) make mischief in the earth: Those are they who are the losers.” (Q. 2:27)

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