U.S. Islamic Council offers best wishes to Pope Benedict XVI
The nation’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization today offered “best wishes” to Pope Benedict XVI following his announced resignation and expressed a desire for continued positive relations between American Muslims and the Roman Catholic Church under his successor.
In a statement reacting to Pope Benedict’s decision to step down at the end of this month, Nihad Awad, national executive director of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said:
“We offer the American Muslim community’s best wishes to Pope Benedict XVI as he leaves his position as head of the Roman Catholic Church.
“In recent years — and despite some passing controversies — relations between Muslims and Catholics have strengthened, particularly on issues related to social justice and family values.
“We look forward to continued and growing positive interfaith relations under the new pontiff as Muslims in the United States and worldwide join with people of all faiths and cultures who seek to make a better world.” »»» CAIR
ยป 12 February 2013
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