Beware of extremism in religion because that was the only thing that destroyed those before you. --Prophet Muhammad, p.b.u.h.

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Muslim Mob Attacks Christian Area of Pakistan

An enraged Muslim crowd attacked a Christian neighborhood in Lahore on Saturday, setting fire to more than 150 houses and 2 churches, in a new display of religious intolerance as Pakistan reels from violent persecution against other minorities.

In Lahore, several thousand people attacked the Joseph Colony, a Christian neighborhood of about 200 homes, after a report that a Christian sanitation worker had blasphemed the Prophet Muhammad.

Blasphemy has acquired a hair-trigger sensitivity across Pakistan in recent years, with an alarming increase in mob violence.

The claims of blasphemy in Lahore, the police said, stemmed from an argument on Wednesday evening between two friends: Sawan Masih, the sanitation worker, and Shahid Imran, a Muslim barber.

On Thursday, Mr. Imran accused Mr. Masih, 28, of blasphemy, sending a shiver of apprehension through the Christian population. People began to leave their homes that evening, and on Friday, the police prepared charges against Mr. Masih.

On Saturday morning, several thousand people, including ethnic Pashtuns who worked in nearby factories, set upon the colony. Some were armed with batons and pistols, the police said.

“They vandalized Christians’ houses, desecrated churches and opened fire on the police,” according to a police spokesman, Multan Khan. Several policemen were hurt as they tried to intervene.    »»»

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) said that Christians living peacefully in a Muslim country are “protected citizens” and that those who attack such people have attacked him. There is no place in Islam for collective punishment of an entire community. Sadly, in Pakistan, all you have to do to retaliate against a neighbour (Muslim or Christian) is to claim he blasphemed the Prophet. During his own lifetime, the Prophet never took revenge against those who insulted him and never asked others to take revenge on his behalf.

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