Be forgiving, encourage what is good, and avoid the ignorant. --Qur'an 7:199

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Devout terrorists NOT devout Muslims

The tragedy orchestrated two weeks ago by the Boston Bombers adds yet another milestone to those who see Islam as a religion that promotes violence. Yet the two brothers who senselessly took several lives and forever altered the lives of many others appear to have almost no real knowledge of their religion. I am struck by the widespread use in the media of the term “devout” to describe the older brother Tamerlane.

I don’t remember anyone saying that Terry Jones, the lunatic preacher who says he has a divine mission to burn Qurans, is a “devout” Christian. The Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik is usually labeled a “right-wing extremist” yet his writings show a profound regard for [Christian imperialism].

The Boston Bombers and their kind seek to kill innocent people who have personally done them, nor Islam, no harm and are better defined as “devout terrorists,” devoted to carrying out terrorists acts, like Breivik in Norway.    »»»

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