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Protests in support of Gaza’s Palestinians corrupt: Saudi cleric

A top Saudi cleric and justice official has branded protests in support of Gaza’s Palestinians as corrupt, saying they only serve to foment anger and aggression, a newspaper reported on Saturday.

Sheikh Saalih al-Fawzaan, chief justice of the Supreme Judicial Council and one of the country’s top scholars of Islamic shariah law, said the protests represent “corruption on Earth, and not righteousness or reform,” according to Al Hayat daily.   »»» Calgary Herald (Canada)

Although the Palestinians have broad-based popular support around the world, they have been abandoned most of those who might have the power to help them. That includes not only the U.S. and its allies but most of the Arab States as well. When the the telephone rings and the Palestinians are calling, there is usually no answer in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Morocco, the U.S., Canada, all of South America and most of Europe. Everyone says that they want a peaceful, two-State solution in the Holy Land but no one is willing to actually do anything to bring it about.

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