Coptic Academic Urges Christians to Support Revolution and Brotherhood Candidate Morsi
Coptic Christian academic Dr. Nagy Naguib, member of the General Secretariat of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) in Egypt’s Sharqiya province, assured that Copts are an integral part of the Egyptian people and the fabric of society.
“Copts will not stray from the general discourse of the Egyptian people, who stand firmly with Brotherhood candidate Dr. Morsi against the remnants of the old corrupt regime. The voice of extremism from both sides will have no active role in the management of the country in post-revolution Egypt.”
Naguib explained that Morsi has allayed Coptic fears in more than one meeting, expressing his confidence that many Christians will vote for Dr. Morsi in the run-off.
“Islamic reference does not frighten, neither Copts nor Muslims. Indeed, Copts have no problem with Islamic values. The Egyptian Church is not inclined towards a particular candidate. In fact, Bishop Bakhomious announced that he will punish clerics who directed or instructed Christians to elect Shafiq or any other specific presidential candidate. »»» Ikhwanweb
ยป 28 May 2012
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