Not a word does one utter, except that there is an angel watching, ready to record it. --Qur'an 50:18

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The Taliban of Timbuktu

Before the recent French intervention in Mali began, 412,000 people had already left their homes in the country’s north, fleeing torture, summary executions, recruitment of child soldiers and sexual violence against women at the hands of fundamentalist militants. Late last year, in Algeria and southern Mali, I interviewed dozens of Malians from the north, including many who had recently fled. Their testimonies confirmed the horrors that radical Islamists, self-proclaimed warriors of God, have inflicted on their communities.

First, the fundamentalists banned music in a country with one of the richest musical traditions in the world. Last July, they stoned an unmarried couple for adultery. The woman, a mother of two, had been buried up to her waist in a hole before a group of men pelted her to death with rocks. And in October the Islamist occupiers began compiling lists of unmarried mothers.

Even holy places are not safe. These self-styled “defenders of the faith” demolished the tombs of local Sufi saints in the fabled city of Timbuktu. The armed groups also reportedly destroyed many churches in the north, where displaced members of the small Christian minority told me they had previously felt entirely accepted. Such Qaeda-style tactics, and the religious extremism that demands them, are completely alien to the mainstream of Malian Islam, which is known for its tradition of tolerance.    »»» 

The radical Islamists in Mali, like their Taliban and al-Qa’eda counterparts in other lands are deviant Muslims who pervert the plain teachings of the Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him). The so called “Islamist” countries they want to establish are a twisted and hateful distortion of the nation-state that the Prophet established in Medina as a model for Islamic society. As the Prophet himself said;

“Beware of extremism in religion because that was the only thing that destroyed those before you.”

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