Beware of extremism in religion because that was the only thing that destroyed those before you. --Prophet Muhammad, p.b.u.h.

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Egypt’s Christians: Islamists Threatening ‘Slaughter’

Sixteen human rights groups are warning that more violence is about to erupt against Egypt’s Christians.

Isalmists in the southern part of the country are stirring up anger against the Christian community with charges that its leaders helped engineer President Mohammed Morsi’s downfall.

On Tuesday, 10,000 Muslims in the city of Assiut marched through a Christian neighborhood chanting pro-Islamist slogans.

They also defaced churches with spray-painted messages, including one calling Coptic Pope Tawdros “a dog.”   »»»

Sadly, Egypt is descending into chaos, and there is enough blame to go around to everyone. During Egypt’s Arab spring, Coptic Christians joined Muslims in Tahrir Square to calling for Mubarak’s ouster. During the months preceding the election of Morsi, representatives of the Copts and the Muslim Brotherhood signed a sort of “entente cordiale” calling on freedom and protection for all Egyptians. There were some attacks against Copts and the Muslim Brotherhood organized guards for some Copt churches. Sadly, when the former Coptic Pope died, he was replaced by Pope Tawdros, a less open and less charitable man. The official Coptic line then became anti-Morsi and the new constitution was attacked by the Copts although it gave them much for freedom than the old Mubarak constitution. Then Morsi was betrayed by the secularists, who would not even give him a chance to finish his mandate and stand for new elections. They made the great error of accepting a military takeover, so that now Morsi is in jail, his supporters are being massacred in the hundreds by the army and the secularists who abandoned Egypt’s fledgling democracy to the army have not yet understood what they have done. Some Muslim Brotherhood supporters (as might be expected) are looking for a scapegoat, and they have found an easy target: the Copts. And now the Copts are criticizing the army, claiming the proposed interim constitution is worse than Morsi’s (which was better than Mubarak’s). All factions have fallen behind, except one: the army, which is tightening its dictatorial grip of Egypt and re-taking the power and influence it lost after allowing Mubarak’s ouster.

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Comment from Rocio
Time: 20 March 2014, 17:15

Our Foreign Affairs department, I bvielee, needs to protest more strongly to the Egyptian Government about the repression of Copts in Egypt.Thanks are due to our Immigration Department in generously taking in victims of religious repression from Egypt.My plea is that Foreign Affairs talk to those close to the action in Egypt> Please to speak to the Coptic community in Australia (who are in regular contact with relatives) as well as the Egyptian Government & the Australian Embassy.The most recent riots caused at least 22 deaths & hundreds of injuries ( including 2 young women murdered by groups of Muslim young men).This is part of systematic discrimination against Coptic people from Aswan to Alexandria: killings, abductions of young women, destruction of churches.I am not being anti-Muslim (a great religion) or anti-Egyptian (a great country) but trying to get at the truth. All of us must stand before the Lord & give account of our actions.Blessings in the name of Jesus,Ian Kilminster

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