Beware of extremism in religion because that was the only thing that destroyed those before you. --Prophet Muhammad, p.b.u.h.

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Islamic State kills another US hostage–Steven Sotloff

An Islamic State video has appeared which purports to show the beheading of Steven Sotloff, a US journalist being held hostage by the militants.

Mr Sotloff, 31, disappeared in Syria in 2013. He appeared at the end of a video last month which showed fellow US journalist James Foley being killed.

A militant in the latest video also threatens to kill a British hostage.   »»» BBC News

The members of ISIS are heretics, renegades and blasphemers.

It is an important Islamic duty to treat prisoners of war kindly and gently, be hospitable to them, and provide them with food and clothing. They must never be subjected to ill-treatment or torture. The Qur’an says, that the believers give food out of love for Allah to the poor and the orphan and the captive (Al-Insan 76:8). Furthermore it is forbidden to take innocent non-combattants hostage since they are not responsible for the actions of others.

The Prophet gave this general order: “Be sure to treat captives kindly.” He is also reported to have said “Be kind to your prisoners, and let them have their afternoon rest, and provide them with water to drink.” After the Battle of Badr, the Prophet ordered that those unbelievers who were taken captive should be treated kindly. Complying with his order, the Companions of the Prophet gave the captives food before they themselves ate.

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