Be forgiving, encourage what is good, and avoid the ignorant. --Qur'an 7:199

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Prominent Canadian Muslim cleric urges imams to vet new Islamic converts

A prominent Canadian Muslim cleric says he intends to reach out to other imams to make sure that new converts to Islam are watched closely for signs of radical beliefs.

Soharwardy, the founder of Muslims Against Terrorism and the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, said imams should look for warning signs, such as a criminal record or drug abuse, before allowing an individual to convert.

“I’m not sure who helped them to convert to Islam. Who was the imam? What kind of relationship did those people have with those people who converted them to Islam? Those very important questions need to be answered,” said Soharwardy.

“They should take on the responsibility of checking backgrounds and staying in touch and make sure this person is not being recruited by any radical organization or terrorist organizations.”

Soharwardy estimates 20 to 30 Canadians convert to Islam every week. He said it is the responsibility of clerics to make sure the converts are doing it for the right reasons.

Soharwardy said he was sickened by the fatal attacks on Canadian soldiers this week. His organization has scheduled a memorial service Friday in Calgary for Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Cpl. Nathan Cirillo.

Soharwardy said he believes that many Muslims are being brainwashed by radical groups such as ISIL. He said there needs to be more sharing of intelligence between Canadian law enforcement and trusted members of the Muslim community who could work together to “deradicalize” those at risk.   »»» CTV News (Canada)

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