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More than 40 arrested in Pakistan for burning Christian couple

At least 45 people have been arrested in Pakistan in connection with the killing of a Christian couple for allegedly desecrating the Quran. Early investigation results indicate that no desceration actually occurred.

The arrests were made before dawn Wednesday in the town of Kot Radha Kishan, in eastern Punjab province.

Members of the civil society and representatives of the Christian community condemned the killing of the Christian couple accused of blasphemy.

Local police officer Mohammad Iqbal said hundreds of Muslims had taken part in the attack on Tuesday, in which a mob thrashed the couple mercilessly and burnt their bodies in a brick kiln where the man and his wife worked.

Police identified the woman as Shyman Bibi Urf Shamar, and her husband as Shehzad Nasir Zurjah Nazir Nasir.

Ivestigators said the incident appeared to be rooted in a dispute over wages and outstanding payments. Shehzad, one of the victims, had been asked by the kiln owner to repay the advance he had extended to the families of two Muslim labourers. The owner had asked him to repay the amount as Shehzad had introduced the men to him.   »»» xxxxBig News Network

Muslims and Christians are accused of blasphemy but most of them are Muslims. The harsh blasphemy laws and the readiness of lower court judges to convict gives Pakistanis a convenient and deadly way to get rid of neighbours or co-workers with whom they have had a falling out. In this case, the people did not wait for an arrest, but managed to convince a mob to carry out vigilante justice. When cases to go to court, convictions are usually reversed upon appeal to the highest courts. That doesn’t really help the victims, who are pariahs in their hometowns and risk mob violence if they return.

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