Be forgiving, encourage what is good, and avoid the ignorant. --Qur'an 7:199

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Fight against ISIS job of Muslims first, Jordan’s king says

Jordan’s King Abdullah addressed the European parliament on Tuesday.

He spoke about the threat of ISIS being a global issue, and that the terrorists do not represent Islam.

“Those outlaws of Islam who deny these truths [faith and tolerance] are vastly outnumbered by the ocean of believers – 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide. The terrorists have made Muslims their greatest target. We will not allow them to hijack our faith,” he said.

“The savage murder by Daesh (ISIS) of Jordan’s hero pilot outraged all Jordanians and horrified the world. And Jordan’s response has been swift, serious, and determined and our fight will continue,” he said. “We and other Arab and Muslim states defend not only our people but our faith. This has to be carried out by Muslim nations first and foremost. This is a fight within Islam and at the same time, the danger of extremism must be seen for what it is, global.”   »»»WDAM-TV 7-News (U.S.)

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