Jesus was a messenger of Allah, his Word, and a Spirit from him.

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Canada Passes Motion Condemning Islamophobia

Canada is again setting the pace for promoting multiculturalism in the western hemisphere. Canadian parliament passed a federal motion condemning Islamophobia. The motion was based on an e-petition sponsored by parliamentarian Liberal MP Frank Baylis; the original e-petition received more than 70,000 votes. Here is the full text of the petition:


Islam is a religion of over 1.5 billion people worldwide. Since its founding more than 1400 years ago, Muslims have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the positive development of human civilization. This encompasses all areas of human endeavors including the arts, culture, science, medicine, literature, and much more;

Recently an infinitesimally small number of extremist individuals have conducted terrorist activities while claiming to speak for the religion of Islam. Their actions have been used as a pretext for a notable rise of anti-Muslim sentiments in Canada; and

These violent individuals do not reflect in any way the values or the teachings of the religion of Islam. In fact, they misrepresent the religion. We categorically reject all their activities. They in no way represent the religion, the beliefs and the desire of Muslims to co-exist in peace with all peoples of the world.

We, the undersigned, Citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to join us in recognizing that extremist individuals do not represent the religion of Islam, and in condemning all forms of Islamophobia.

The motion was proposed earlier this year but was objected to by a number of conservative MPs. When it was voted on for a second time at the end of October, it was unanimously approved. Despite Canada having taken several steps to combat Islamophobia, Islamophobic attacks have more than doubled over the last 3 years.

The National Council of Canadian Muslim’s Executive Director, Ihsaan Gardee, said, “This motion sends a strong message to Canadians that discrimination and hatred against Muslims is unacceptable… Canadians want and expect strong leadership from our elected officials when it comes to fostering inclusive communities.”

At a time when the U.S.A. has elected a President who has vowed to put a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the U.S., creating a database with personal information of American Muslims and sending Syrian refugees residing in the U.S. back to Syria, motions like this are a breath of fresh amidst a challenging climate. I may not live there, but just knowing the motion was passed, and that our Canadian brothers and sisters can rest a little easier at night, is a cherished thing; thank you, Canada.    »»» Sailan Muslim Foundation (Sri Lanka)

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A Wave of Harassment After Trump’s Victory

Hundreds of incidents of harassment and intimidation have been reported across the country since Election Day. Below are just a few:

• In Wellsville, N.Y., a softball dugout was spray-painted with a swastika and the words “Make America White Again.”

• At the University of Pennsylvania, black students were added without their permission to a group text-messaging chat about “lynching” using the app GroupMe. The creators of the group scheduled a a “daily lynching” through the app’s calendar.

• At York County School of Technology in York, Pa., white students walked through hallways carrying a Trump sign and shouting “white power.”

• At First Coast High School in Jacksonville, Fla., signs reading “whites only” and “colored” were posted above drinking fountains.

• In Koylton Township, Mich., a Mexican-American family woke to find a “wall” made of cardboard boxes blocking their driveway. The boxes and driveway were defaced with graffiti with references to Donald Trump.

• In Murfreesboro, Tenn., a gay couple found a note with a homophobic slur on their doorstep. The note was pinned to a package by a knife with a picture of Donald Trump on its handle.

• At the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour in Silver Spring, Md., a banner for a Spanish-language service was defaced with the words “Trump nation” and “whites only.”

• In Columbus, Ohio, a man approached a Muslim woman and her family while their car was stopped at a light. He banged on the car, shouted obscenities, photographed the children and told the woman, “you don’t belong in this country.”

• In Meriden, Conn., a man holding a Trump sign and waving an American flag was punched and kicked by two men.

• In Durham, N.C., two walls were spray-painted with the message “Black lives don’t matter and neither does your votes.”   »»» The New York Times

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Fremont hiker who wore a bandanna for sun protection finds anti-Muslim note on car

A hiker who wore a bandanna for sun protection returned from her walk to find an anti-Muslim note telling her to leave America.

Nicki Panchol, who is not Muslim but wore the headscarf to protect her skin against the harsh California sun, was horrified to find her car had been trashed, her purse stolen and the racist note on her car.

‘Hijab wearing bitch,’ the letter read. ‘This is our nation now get the fuck out’.

‘When I saw it, I was in shock,’ Panchol told the San Francisco Chronicle. ‘That someone would feel so much hate to do this. I realize that this is the climate after this election. But I didn’t realize someone would be so ignorant and in so much pain to cause so much harm.’

The 41-year-old, who has lupus, said she was left so shaken by the incident that she did not return to Mission Peak Regional Preserve in Fremont, California, since the incident last week.

Police are still investigating the incident which they have classified as a hate crime.

Geneva Bosques, a spokeswoman for the Fremont Police Department, called the crime ‘very disturbing.’

‘We are obviously very upset and saddened that this happened in our community,’ she said.

Panachol had pulled into the Mission Peak Regional Preserve parking lot at around noon on November 14.

Carolyn Jones, public information supervisor for the East Bay Regional Park District, said the victim spent around an hour vlogging in the parking lot for a ‘peace project’ before setting out on the hike.

When she returned at 4pm, she discovered her car had been broken into; someone has smashed a window, and her purse was missing. She also found the upsetting note.

‘Everyone is welcome, and this is a deplorable thing,’ Jones said.

There has been a flurry of hate crimes against minorities following Donald Trump’s surprise election win earlier this month.

  • Just days after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, police said a female student at the University of Michigan was approached by a white man who threatened to set her on fire if she didn’t remove her hijab. Police are still investigating the hate crime.
  • Two students at a vocational school in York County, Pennsylvania, held a Donald Trump sign in a hallway as someone shouted ‘white power,’ an incident captured on video and widely shared on Facebook.
  • In Silver Spring, Maryland, a banner advertising a Spanish-language service at an Episcopal church was slashed and the words ‘Trump nation. Whites only’ were written on the back.
  • Authorities on two California State University campuses, in San Diego and San Jose, were investigating reports that two women wearing headscarves were attacked.
  • At San Diego State University, authorities said a Muslim woman had her car keys and vehicle stolen by two men who targeted her while she wore a hijab and made comments about Donald Trump’s election.

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‘Hey ISIS, you suck’ US Muslim group says with giant billboard

What would the Prophet Muhammad think of the Islamic State group? Not much according to a non-profit US Muslim organisation that launched a poster campaign in the US this week.

Sound Vision used a giant billboard in a suburb of Chicago, saying “Hey ISIS, you suck”, quoting the Quran’s “Life is sacred” and signing it “From: #ActualMuslims”.   »»» Middle East Eye (UK)

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The unknown Muslim who has kept America safe

A Muslim American is the person “most responsible for keeping America safe since the Sept. 11 attacks,” wrote former CIA acting director Michael J Morell in the New York Times last week. Mr Morell was referring to “Roger”, an American convert to Islam (he cannot be identified because he still works for the agency) who headed the CIA’s counterterrorism centre for almost 10 years.

The extraordinary fact that American counterterrorism efforts were led by a Muslim for most of the past decade is unknown to most Americans, including Muslims. Yet it upends almost all stereotypes, even most positive perceptions, about the relationship between Muslim Americans and the dangers of, and responses to, terrorism.   »»» The National (UAE)

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Muslims refuse to bury France priest killer Adel Kermiche

Muslims in France have refused to bury a jihadist who killed a priest in Normandy earlier this month.

Adel Kermiche, 19, was one of two men who entered a church in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray and held a group hostage before slitting the throat of Father Jacques Hamel and seriously wounding another captive.

Community leaders in the town said they do not want to ‘taint’ Islam by having any association with Kermiche.

Speaking to Le Parisien, Mohammed Karabila, president of the local Muslim cultural association and imam of one of the local mosques, said: ‘We’re not going to taint Islam with this person.

The 84-year-old Jacques Hamel died on July 26, 2016 after his throat was slit after two attackers stormed the church during a morning mass, taking the five people inside hostage, including the priest, interior ministry spokesman said.

‘We won’t participate in preparing the body or the burial.’   »»» Metro News (UK)

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Linking Islam to violence is wrong: Pope

Pope Francis says it was wrong to identify Islam with violence and that social injustice and idolatry of money were among the prime causes of terrorism.

“It is not right to identify Islam with violence,” he told reporters. “This is not right and this is not true.”

Francis was responding to a question about an 85-year-old Catholic priest who was forced to his knees by attackers, who then slit his throat. The attack was claimed by Islamic State.

“I think in nearly all religions there is a small fundamentalist group,” he said. “We have them,” he added, referring to Catholicism.

“I don’t like to talk about Islamic violence because every day when I look at the papers I see violence here in Italy – someone killing his girlfriend, someone killing his mother-in-law. These are baptised Catholics,” he said.

“If I speak of Islamic violence, I have to speak of Catholic violence. Not all Muslims are violent,” he said.

   »»» Times (Johannesburg, SA)

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Elderly Catholic priest killed in French church, attack claimed by Islamic State

A priest in his mid-80s was killed with a knife and another hostage seriously wounded on Tuesday in an attack on a church in northern France carried out by assailants linked to Islamic State.

Both attackers were shot dead by French police. Five people in all had been taken hostage. A police source said it appeared that the priest had had his throat slit.

Speaking at the scene of the attack in the Normandy town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, French President Francois Hollande said France should “use all its means” in its war against the militant group, against which France has launched air strikes in Syria and Iraq.

The president called it a “dreadful terrorist attack” and told reporters the attackers had pledge allegiance to IS. The IS news agency Amaq said two of its “soldiers” had carried out the attack.   »»» Reuters

It appears that the partisans of Daesh (ISIS) do not read their Qur’an as often as they should.

“If God had not overpowered some people by the might of others, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which God’s praise is celebrated daily, would have been utterly demolished.” (Qur’an, 22:40)

“Nearest in love to the Muslims are those who say, “We are Christians”: because amongst them are men devoted to
learning [priests] and men who have renounced the world [monks], and they are not arrogant.” (Qur’an 5:85)

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All Muslims Are Not Terrorists: A Factual Look at Terrorism and Islam

I am tired of hearing the word “terrorist” not being used when the suspect in a terrorist attack is a non-Muslim. I am tired of the “mentally disabled” excuse being recycled when the suspect in a terrorist attack is a Caucasian. I am tired of seeing hundreds of terrorist attacks carried out by non-Muslims not get the same coverage of even a single terrorist attack where the suspect happens to be Muslim.

Above it all, I am tired of having to repeatedly say that Muslims are not terrorists. It is time we silence this Islamophobia with facts. My next five points will prove once and for all that Muslims are not terrorists:

1. Non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in the United States: FALSE According to the FBI, 94% of terrorist attacks carried out in the United States from 1980 to 2005 have been by non-Muslims. This means that an American terrorist suspect is over nine times more likely to be a non-Muslim than a Muslim. According to this same report, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism in the United States than Islamic, yet when was the last time we heard about the threat of Jewish terrorism in the media? For the same exact reasons that we cannot blame the entire religion of Judaism or Christianity for the violent actions of those carrying out crimes under the names of these religions, we have absolutely no justifiable grounds to blame Muslims for terrorism.

2. Non-Muslims make up the majority of terrorists in Europe: False There have been over one thousand terrorist attacks in Europe in the past five years. Take a guess at what percent of those terrorists were Muslim. Wrong, now guess again. It’s less than 2%.

3. Even if all terrorist attacks were carried out by Muslims, you still could not associate terrorism with Islam: There have been 140,000 terror attacks committed worldwide since 1970. Even if Muslims carried out all of these attacks (which is an absurd assumption given the fact mentioned in my first point), those terrorists would represent less than 0.00009 percent of all Muslims. To put things into perspective, this means that you are more likely to be struck by lightening in your lifetime than a Muslim is likely to commit a terrorist attack during that same timespan.

4. If you are scared of Muslims then you should also be scared of household furniture and toddlers: A study carried out by the University of North Carolina showed that less than 0.0002% of Americans killed since 9/11 were killed by Muslims. (Ironically, this study was done in Chapel Hill: the same place where a Caucasian non-Muslim killed three innocent Muslims as the mainstream media brushed this terrorist attack off as a parking dispute). Based on these numbers, and those of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the average American is more likely to be crushed to death by their couch or television than they are to be killed by a Muslim. As a matter of fact, Americans were more likely to be killed by a toddler in 2013 than they were by a so-called “Muslim terrorist”.

When a drunk driver causes a car accident, we never blame the car manufacturer for the violent actions of that driver. This is because we understand that we cannot blame an entire car company that produces millions of safe vehicles just because one of their cars was used by a reckless person to cause harm. So what right do we have to blame an entire religion of over 1.6 Billion peaceful people because of the actions of a relatively insignificant few?

I will not deny that terrorism is a real threat, it definitely is. However, it is extremely incorrect to associate the words “Muslim” and “terrorist” when literally all the facts implore you to do otherwise. The only way that we as Americans can defeat terrorism at home and across the world is by accurately targeting its root causes. It is time that we begin addressing terrorism on an educated and factual level.   »»»

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A Joint Muslim Statement: On the Carnage in Orlando

June 13, 2016

On behalf of the American Muslim community, we, the undersigned, want to extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the barbaric assault that occurred early yesterday morning at Pulse, an LGBTQ nightclub in Orlando, Florida. We unequivocally say that such an act of hate-fueled violence has no place in any faith, including Islam. As people of faith, we believe that all human beings have the right to safety and security and that each and every human life is inviolable.

We know that, given the tenor of the times, some will associate this tragedy with the religion of the perpetrator. While we may never learn conclusively what motivated this misguided individual, many news sources claim that he was motivated by his faith, which would be a reprehensible distortion of Islam adding the religion to the long list of innocent victims in this callous crime. Any such acts of violence violate every one of our Prophet’s teachings. For Muslims, that this carnage occurred in the blessed month of Ramadan—a month of charity, introspection, and self-purification—only adds to the foulness of this enormity.

Since September 11, 2001, many Muslims have been victims of collective guilt; yet, numerous Americans of good conscience have stood by their fellow citizens, despite differences in faith or lifestyle, including many members of the targeted community. Difference is no justification for violence. While most American Muslims adhere to a strict Abrahamic morality, the Quran is clear that its injunctions apply only to Muslims who choose to follow them: “There is absolutely no compulsion in religion.” In America, individuals are at liberty to pursue happiness as each sees fit; it is our cherished political right. Those of us who live in this country, irrespective of our beliefs, must respect the equality of all Americans under the laws of the land.

We feel compelled to state that it is an egregious offense against the culture and laws of America—as well as Islam’s—to place collective guilt on an entire community for the sins of individuals. “No soul bears the sins of another,” says the Quran.

Three days ago, Americans honored the memory of one of the greatest and most beloved men in American history: Muhammad Ali, who was a devout Muslim. The Islam Muhammad Ali followed is one of love, tolerance, and respect for all. American Muslims everywhere felt that he ended, once and for all, the vacuous claim that one cannot be both Muslim and American.

We, as American Muslims, follow the openhearted and inclusive Islam of Muhammad Ali and completely reject the hatred, provincialism, and intolerance of those who trample upon the rights of others, besmirching and defiling the name of Islam. The criminal who took the lives of dozens of patrons of the Orlando nightclub and injured many others was an aggressor, plain and simple. The Quran says, “Do not be brutal or commit aggression, for surely God does not love brutal aggressors.”

There are extremists in America and abroad who view the world through a Manichean lens: American Manicheans want Americans to see themselves as entirely “good” and all Muslims as entirely “evil.” Muslim Manicheans want Muslims to see themselves as entirely “good” and all Americans as entirely “evil.” This is a catastrophic recipe for unrelenting violence, and it must be rejected: We will not allow the extremists to define us, mold us in their benighted image, or sow the seeds of discord among us. We are one people, so let us all in good conscience and human solidarity reject this extremist narrative and assert our shared humanity and mutual respect for the sanctity of all human life.


Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah – President, Forum for Promoting Peace
Hamza Yusuf – President, Zaytuna College
Sherman A. Jackson – King Faisal Chair of Islamic Thought and Culture, USC
Siraj Wahhaj – President, Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA)
Umar F. Abd-Allah – Resident Scholar, Chicago, IL
Mustafa Ceric – Grand Mufti Emeritus
Zaid Shakir – Co-Founder, Zaytuna College
Yasir Qadhi – Dean, AlMaghrib Institute | Assistant Professor, Rhodes College
Yusuf Islam – Philanthropist / Singer & Composer
Mohamed Magid – Executive Religious Director, All Dulles Area Muslim Society(ADAMS)
Abdullah bin Hamid Ali – Senior Faculty , Zaytuna College
Abdullah Hakim Quick – Resident Scholar, Islamic Institute of Toronto
Aisha al-Adawiya – Founder, Women in Islam Inc.
Muhammad Al-Ninowy – Founder & President, Al Madinah Institute
Tamara Gray – Founder, Rabata Inc.
Shaykh al Mahfoudh Bin Bayyah- Associate Secretary General, Forum for Promoting Peace, UAE.
Mohamed Elsanousi – Director of the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers
Naeem Baig – President, ICNA
Waleed Basyouni – VP, AlMaghrib Institute
Yaser Birjas – Imam, Valley Ranch Islamic Center
Omar Suleiman – Resident Scholar, Valley Ranch Islamic Center
Oussama Jamal – Secretary General, US Council of Muslim Organizations
Dalia Mogahed – Co-Author, “Who Speaks for Islam? what a Billion Muslims really think”
Azhar Azeez – President, ISNA
Afifi al-Akiti – KFAS Fellow in Islamic Studies, Oxford University
Altaf Hussain – Vice President (US), ISNA / Associate Professor, Howard University
Mazen Mokhtar – Executive Director, The Muslim American Society (MAS)
Maha Elgenaidi – Executive Director, ING
Khalid Latif – Executive Director, The Islamic Center at New York University
Yasir Fahmy – Senior Imam, Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center
Imam Zia – Executive Director, MakeSpace
Nihad Awad – National Executive Director , The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Noman Hussain – Imam & Resident Scholar, Islamic Society of Milwaukee
Afroz Ali – Founder & Director, Al-Ghazali Centre, Australia
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Emerge USA
Abdul Nasir Jangda – President, Qalam Institute
Linda Sarsour – Co-founder/Director , MPower Change
Yassir Fazaga – Religious Director, Orange County Islamic Foundation
Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak – President, Islamic Forum of Canada
Tahir Anwar – Faculty, Zaytuna College
Aisha Subhani – Board Member, Zaytuna College
Fouzan Khan – Director, Reviving the Islamic Spirit (RIS)
Munir El Kassem – President & Founder, Islamic Institute for Interfaith Dialogue
Hamid Slimi – Chairman & Imam, Canadian Centre For Deen Studies / Sayeda Khadija Centre
Shahed Amanullah – Co-Founder, Affinis Lab
Muslema Purmul – Chaplain, Institute of Knowledge (IOK), California
Hazem Bata – Secretary General, ISNA
Dilshad D. Ali – Chair, Board of Directors, Enabled Muslims
Abdul Malik Mujahid – President, Sound Vision
Albert Press Jr. – President, American Muslim Health Professionals (AMHP)
Yahya Rhodus – Founding Director, Al-Maqasid
Afghan American Community Association
Zeshan Zafar – Executive Director, Forum for Promoting Peace | UAE
Aftab Malik – Senior Advisor, Forum for Promoting Peace | UK
Mikaeel Ahmed Smith – Islamic Soicety of Baltimore
Abdur Rahman Bashir – Imam, Jefferson Muslim Association, Louisiana
Qasim Khan – Imam, Masjid At-Tawhid
Syedur Rahman Chowdhury – National President , MUNA
Kenan Basha – Board Chair, MSA National
Fatima Salman – Central Zone Representative, ISNA
Abdelmajid Jondy – President, Flint Islamic Center
Paul Galloway – Executive Director , The American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC)
Sarah Cochran – President & Co-Founder,
Ashfaq Taufique – President , Birmingham (AL) Islamic Society
Khaula Hadeed – Executive Director, CAIR AL
Lateef ur Rahman – Imam , Islamic Society Of Tracy
Ilyas Anwar – Imam , South Valley Islamic Community
Khaula Hadeed – Executive Director, CAIR AL
Syed Moktadir – President, All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS Center)
Hussain Kamani – Mufti, Instructor, Qalam Institute | Resident Scholar, Islamic Association of Carrollton
Edward Ahmed Mitchell – Attorney & Executive Director, CAIR-Georgia
Aamir Nazir – Imam, Muslim Community of Folsom (CA)
Hamzah wald Maqbūl – Instructor, Rayyān Institute
Muzammil Ahmed – Chairperson, Michigan Muslim Community Council (MMCC)
Tarek El-Messidi – Founding Director, CelebrateMercy
Mohamed Almasmari – Executive Director – Michigan Muslim Community Council (MMCC)
Hatem Bazian – Co-Founder, Zaytuna College
Feraidoon Mojadedi – Director, Sacred Caravan
Asad Tarsin – Board Member, Deen Intensive Foundation
Rami nashashibi – Executive Director, IMAN | Visiting Professor, Chicago Theological Seminary (CTS)
Coalition of South Florida Muslim Organizations (COSMOS)
Amjad Quadri – Education, Muslim Community Center Chicago, IL
Abdullah T. Antepli – Imam, Duke University
Khalil Abdur-Rashid – President and Founder of Yaqeen Seminary for Advanced Studies of Islam in America
Muhammed Al Ahari – Editor in Chief, Magribine Press
Niaz Hannan – Religious Director, Islamic Center of South Jersey, Muslim Chaplain, Drexel University
Irfan Shuttari – Board Member, Michigan Muslim Community Council
Yama Zachariah Azar – Representative, Southern California Afghan Community
Chris Blauvelt – Founder & CEO,
Aamir Nazir – Imam, Muslim Community of Folsom, CA
Lateef ur Rahman – Imam, Islamic Society of Tracy, CA
Vaseem Faria Ansari – Director, Houston Islamic Speakers Bureau
Karim khayati – Co-Founder , American Muslim Institute
Azra Hussain – President, Islamic Speakers Bureau of Arizona
Zehra Wamiq – Founder/Director, Delaware Valley Speakers Bureau
Nuha Alfahham – Co-director , ILEARN, ING affiliate
Khalil Meek – National Executive Director , Muslim Legal Fund of America
Shabana Shakir Ahmed – Tours & Talks Chair, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Aida Mansoor – President, Muslim Coalition of Connecticut
Reza Mansoor – President, Islamic Association of Greater Hartford
M. Rajaullah Quraishi – Past President, MCC Chicago
Shakila T Ahmad – Board President, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Ismaeel Chartier – Imam, Islamic Association of Cincinnati
Tehseen Lazzouni – Director, Islamic Speakers Bureau of San Diego
Adnaan A Waseem – Teacher, Muslim Society Institution
Ahsen Waseem – Imam/instructor , Furqaan Foundation/Academy
Minhajuddin Ahmed – Imam and Resident Scholar, DarusSalam Foundation
Azfar Uddin – Imam, Islamic Foundation North
Yasir Nadeem – Director , Darul Uloom Online
Saad H. Baig – Imam , Islamic Center of Quad Cities
Bilal Ali Ansari – Lecturer, Darul Qasim
Afzal sheikh – Khateeb, The Islamic center Of deer park ny
Abdussamad Awal – Mufti, Darul Quran Wassunah
Yasir Khan – President , Al-Misbaah
Ahmad Jafar – Mufti, Darul Arqum Institute
Abdurrahman Ahmad – Imam, ICNE
Ossama Bahloul – Resident Scholar of the Islamic Center of Nashville
Rashad Sharif – Imam, President, Masjid Al-Mu’minun, Memphis
Mohammed Abdullah Al Mamun – Baitul Mukarram Center, Danbury Connecticut
Ibrahim H Ahmad – Imam, Masjid Noor Inc
Yasser Arafat – President/CEO, Peace Ambassadors USA
Abdul-latif Sackor – Imam/President , Islamic Center of Rhode Island
Saleh M. Sbenaty – Chair, Outreach Committee, Islamic Center of Murfreesboro
Usman Akhtar – Imam, Islamic Society of Western Connecticut | Danbury Masjid
Abdul Aziz Bhuiyan – Chairman , Hillside Islamic Center
Mohammed Wasim Khan – Mufti, Madrasah Islamiah/ ISRA Foundation
Zaid Khan – Instructor , DUA Institute
Asif Uddin – Instructor, Darul Qasim
Abdul Hakim Hamid – Imam , Muslim Community of Florida
Mohibullah N. Durrani – Professor, Muslim Astronomers
Khalid Yousuf – MD, Orthopedic surgeon
Hasanuddin Khaja – Ex- executive member , Islamic center of Harrison
Zyshan Yaseen Palwala – Instructor/Imam, Masjid Uthman
Muslihuddin Kawthar – President, Rihlatul ILM Foundation
Asim Gaffar – Teacher, College Preparatory School of America
Ayman sader – Member of Board of Trustee , Islamic Center of Nashville
Abdelrhman Hussein – Assistant, Peace Ambassadors USA
Kifah Mustapha – Imam, The Prayer Center of Orland Park
Ikhlas Ansari – Hafiz, MCC Chicago
Azeemuddin Jawad Mohammed – Lead Qur’an Instructor, MAS- MAS Qur’an Institute -(MQI)
Abdelhafid Djemil – President, Majlis Ashura (Islamic Leadership Council) of New York
Muhammad A Hussain – President, Long Island Muslim Society
Saiful Nabi – Imam, Muslim Federation of J.C.N.J
Hasib Noor – Founder, The Legacy Foundation
Mubeen Kamani – Sheikh, MCC Academy
Mohammed Amjed Ali – Imam, Rahmat e Alam Foundation
Numaan Nasir Cheema – Imam/Molana,
Mohammed Samir Wahid – Mufti/founder, Islamic institute of Atlanta
Ehzaz Ajmeri – Scholar & Instructor , DarusSalam Foundation
Rahat Husain – Director, Universal Muslim Association of America
Vaseem Ansari – Director, ING Houston Islamic Speakers Bureau
Khalid Mirza – Co-Founder , The Coalition of South Florida Muslim Organizations (COSMOS)
Muhammad Chowdhury – Instructor , Darul Hidayah
Eman Hassaballa Aly – Co-Founder, Collaboryst & RRT
Khamis Abu-Hasaballah – President, Farmington Valley American Muslim Center
Sajid Ali – Imam, Islamic Association of Forth Worth
Nayef Abbas – Imam/Juris Consult, Islamic Association of Michigan
Mohammed A Haque – Ex President, Islamic society of Nortgwest suburbs of Chicago
Talib Shareef – President , The Nation’s Mosque Masjid Muhammad
Ikram Ul Haq – Imam, Fatwa Center of America
Naeem Khalid – President , Islamic Center of Connecticut, Inc (Madina Masjid)
Ayesha Khan – ICNF
Mohammed Kaiseruddin – Chairman, Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
A Rahman – Board member, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Naazish Yarkhan – Founder, Writers Studio
Karen Danielson – Outreach Director, MAS Chicago
Jawad Khan – President, Chicago Chapter, Indian American Muslim Council
Talat M. Othman – Co- Founder, Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
Majeed Sharif – President, United Muslim mosque
Majeed Sharif – President, United Muslim mosque
Zaher Sahloul – Senior Advisor and past president , Syrian American Medical Society
Karim Mozawalla – Vice President/Trustee, Muslim Community of Nassau County/Masjid Hamza
Baher S Foad – Board member, Islamic center of greater Cincinnati
MOHAMMED MISBAHUDDIN – Ex President , Muslim Society
Gulame Asif – Board Member, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Kameelah Rashad – Founder & President, Muslim Wellness Foundation
Iltefat Hamzavi – Board member , Michigan Muslim Community Council
Omer Bajwa – Muslim Chaplain, Yale University
Sameer Afsar – Secretary, Downtown Islamic Center Chicago
Seham Abdala – Director, NJ Islamic Networks Group
Ashraf Traboulsi – Board Vice Chair, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Inayat Malik – Past President and Board Chair, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Heba Macksoud – Board of Trustees Member, Islamic Society of Central Jersey
Usama Canon – Founding Director, Ta’leef Collective
Samia Hussein – Vice President/President-Elect, Muslim Coalition of Connecticut
Mazen Asbahi – Partner, Law Firm of Roetzel & Andress, LPA
Bassam Issa – President, Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga
Lena F. Masri Esq. – Legal Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Michigan
Feryal Salem – Professor , Hartford Seminary
Mohammad Fazili – Predident, Islamic Center of Williamson County
Zaynab Salman – Board Member, Deen Intensive Foundation
Mohammad Motiur Rahman – Ustaaz, Baitul Hamd (Ideal Mother Organization)
Irfan Ahmad Khan – Director, Association for Qur’anic Understanding
Nemat Moussavian – Board member, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Ayesha Sultana Ali – Member Board of Directirs, Muslim Community Center
Muhammad Ilyas – Sh, Darul Quran was Sunnah
Walead Mosaad – Resident Scholar, Sakina Collective
Dawud Walid – Executive Director , CAIR-MI
Nawzad Hawrami – Secretary, Board of Trustees, Salahadeen Center of Nashville
Osama Abuirshaid – National Policy Director , American Muslims for Palestine
Nemat Moussavian – Board member , Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Saad Khan – Instructor, Darus Suffah
Khalid Nasr – Imam, Islamic center of new England, Quincy
Syed Ali – Director, Islamic Speakers Bureau-Dallas/Fort Worth
Eid Farha – President, Islamic Center of Ann Arbor
Rizwan Ali – Shaykh, Islamic Center of Naperville
Fahd Syed – Administrative, United Muslim Masjid
Eamaan Rabbat – Board member and Director of Ribaat Academic Institute, Rabata
Ismail Elshikh – Imam, Muslim association of Hawaii
Ibrahim Sultan-Ali – President, Board of governors of Pleasant View School
Ibad Wali – Instructor, Darul Uloom New York
Mohamed Salem – Muslim US citizen, Muslim
Saadia Mian – Board Member , Rabata
Noor Raheemullah Hasan – Executive Director , Muslim Women’s Alliance
Nadiah Mohajir – Co-Founder & Executive Director, HEART Women & Girls
Azra Baig – Vice President, American Muslim Council PAC
Alicia Strong – President , Wesleyan Muslim Student Association
Akber Khan – Quran Instructor, Cordoba House
Majed Sabke – Imam, MIA
Najah Bazzy – CEO, Diversity Specialists
Nadeem Siddiqi – Chairman, Muslim American Society
Humaira Salehi – Mr., Farmington valley American Muslim Center
Mohammad Ali Chaudry, Ph.D. – President, Islamic Soc of Basking Ridge
Fatina Abdrabboh, Esq – Executive Director , Arab American Anti Discrimination Committee
Hafiz Muhammad Mustafa – Imam, Jamia Masjid Boonton
Rizwan Jaka – Chair, Board, All Dulles Area Muslim Society(ADAMS) & Board Member, ISNA
JAVED ALI – Founder ILLUME / Urban Halal
Islamic Institute of Orange County
California Islamic University
Margari Hill – Programming Director Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative (MuslimARC)
Johari Abdul-Malik – Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, Falls Church, Virginia
Taneem Aziz – President, Muslim Community of Northeast Tennessee
Asif Umar – Imam/Director of Religious Affairs, Islamic Foundation of
Greater St. Louis
Yama Niazi – Imam, Islamic Society of Santa Barbara
Islamic Center of Boise
Adnan Durrani – CEO American Halal Co, Inc
Eram Uddin – Board Member, Beacon Foundation
Hamdullah Sayedi – Imam, Sacramento Afghan Community and Religious Center
Debbie Almontaser – Board President, Muslim Community Network NY
Faraz Rabbani – Executive Director, SeekersHub Global
Omar Mohammedi – Adjunct Professor, Fordham Law School
Mehnaz M. Afridi – Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Manhattan College
Fasahat Hamzavi – President, Islamic Association of Greater Detroit
OMER RANGOONWALA – Director, Islamic Education Center (IEC)
Fahad Tasleem – Director, Islamic Education & Research Academy US (iERA US)
Ashraf Latif, R.Ph – Amir / Predident, NIA Masjid & Community Center
Sanya Bari – Professional Counselor , Mental Health Counselor to Muslims
Jamaal Diwan – Chaplain serving UCLA, USC, and UCI , Institute of Knowledge
Sayed Abouabdalla – Imam, AIC
Kaiser Aslam – Muslim Chaplain , Center for Islamic Life at Rutgers University
Hakim Ouansafi – Chairman of the Board, Muslim Association of Hawaii
Majeed Sharif – President, United Muslim Mosque
Irhabi Mohamad – Director, Senior Consultant Religious Department , IANT Quranic Academy
Maher Yahya – Secretary, Salahadeen Center
Ihsan Abdus-Shahid – Treasurer, Al-Minhal Academy
Samar Malik – Donor Relations- CelebrateMercy
Barry Danielian – Servant of God, Human Being
Suhail Mulla – Director of Mental Health, Access California Services
Noorgul Dada – Chairman, Noor Islamic Cultural Center (NICC)
Noor Ahmed MD – Member of Majls, Islamic Foundation of Greater St Louis
Ahmed A. Qadeer – Co- Founder, Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
Kashif Ahmed – Religious and Social Director, SALAM Islamic Center
Ziaun Fajhruddin – Member, ICN, Islamic Center of Nashville
Siraj Ahmed Desai – Imam Religious Director, Islamic Society of East Bay
Asad Ba-Yunus – Board Member, National Assoc. of Muslim Lawyers
Furhan Zubairi – Dean of Seminary/Extension, Institute of Knowledge (IOK)
Faryal M Khatri – Board Member, Muslim Alliance of Indiana
Mona Kafeel – COO, Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation
Mowlid Ali – Imam , JIAR
Muzzammil Zakir – Imam, North Penn Mosque
Nomaan Baig – Founding Director, Institute of Knowledge (IOK)
Talal Alshami – Member , ISCJ
Saleh m Aldabashi – President, Muslim Society Memphis
Rusha Latif – Founder, Rock the Muslim Vote
Zahid Bukhari – Executive Director, ICNA Council for Social Justice
Ammar Amro – Board Member, Al Minhal Academy of Turnersville
Altaf S Kapadia – Imam/ Islamic teacher, Darul Arqam Of Michigan
Iftekhar Hussain – Chairman, Board of Directors, CAIR-PA
Nadia Afzal – Board Member, Sakina Collective
Munir Gandevia – Founder and President, Islamic Center of Burlington, MA
MUHAMMAD AUZAIR KHAN – Teacher of Islamic Studies, Madrasah Noorul Islam UK
Shoaib Khadri – President, Islamic Center of Naperville
Ibrahim Hannoun – Board of Trustees- Ex-officio , Islamic Center of Wheaton (ICW)
Imam Kamil Mufti – Resident Scholar, Islamic Foundation of Peoria
Mohammed H Abdullah – Imam , Masjid Noor Huntington Long Island New York
Muhammad Abdul Jabbar – Imam , Masjid Darul Quran, Bayshore, NY
Raed Abusuwwa – President , Muslim American Society-Chicago Chapter
Hisham Mahmoud – Professor , Harvard University
Shahnaz Naeem – Muslima , American Muslim
Shahzad Sadozai – Director of Development , Boston Islamic Seminary
Salam Al-Marayati – President, MPAC
Raafi T. Islam – Ustadh, Darul Uloom Detroit/Instructor
Aasim Rashid – Founder, Principal, Al-Ihsan Educational Foundation
Shaikh Siddiq – Shaikh, Houston Muslim Group
Idris Abdus Salam – Resident Scholar, Darul Islah
Asra Ali – Board member, Mecca Center
Asif Umar – Mufti/Imam, Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis
Muhammad Quadir – CEO, Discover Islam
Hussein Ata – MAS-ICNA Convention Chair, Board Member MAS
Aisha Yaqoob – Executive Director, Georgia Muslim Voter Project
Najiyah Maxfield – Board Member, Rabata
Alam Chowdhury – President, Trustees, Darus Salam Masjid
Yusufi Vali – Executive Director, Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center
Arman Chowdhury – Assistant Executive Director, MUNA
Nuren Haider, esq. – Candidate, Candidate for Orange County Commission District 1
Asra Hamzavi – Psychiatrist , Hamzavi Psychiatry & Wellness Center
Mohammad Farhan – Mufti, Co-founder/Director, Children of Adam Inc. | Director, Muslims on Long Island Inc.
Imraan Siddiqi – Executive Director, Council on American Islamic Relations – Arizona
Mohammed Mohiuddin – Administrator , Baytul-Iman Academy
Mohammad Islam – Imam/President , Masjid Attaqwa
Abdullah Faaruuq – Imam, Mosque for Praising of Allah
OMER RANGOONWALA, ESQ. – Director, Islamic Education Center (IEC)
Sayeed Siddiqui – President, Muslim Youth of North America
Faisal Mohamed Siddiqi – Member, Masjid Mustafa
Sulaiman Saleem – Resident scholar , Institute of Islamic Education
Saba Maroof – Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist , Institute of Muslim Mental Health
Fasahat Hamzavi – President, Board of Directors , Islamic Association of Greater Detroit
Maheen Khan – Member, ICNE Sharon
Kristin Szremski – Director of media and communications, American Muslims for Palestine
Abdullah Jaber – Imam, Masjid Al Farooq & Masjid Omar
Abdelghader OULD Siyam – Imam, Islamic Society of Greater Dayton, Ohio
Afaf Turjoman – Director, Islamic Speakers Bureau, Santa Barbara
Atif Fareed – Chairman , American Muslim Community Centers
Arwa Diab – Physician, AUC
Muhammad Hamadeh – President, The Mecca Center
Mohammed Awad – Orthopedic Surgeon, OSF
Siraj Mowjood – Board Member, Impact So Cal
Qutaibah J. Abbasi – Imam, Duncanville Islamic Center
Muaaz Hassan – Research & Special Projects , CAIR Florida
Azhar Subedar – Spiritual Director ,
Glory Ali – Quran Teacher, weekend school, Islamic Society of Central Jersey
SHAIKH SHAFAYAT – Ameer and Principal, Darul Uloom Institute / Florida USA
Shakeel Mehdi – Board Member (Director of Outreach, Civic Engagement) , Board Member, Islamic Association of Carrollton, Greater Dallas Asian American Chamber of Commerce
Hafsa Khan – Principal, Islamic School of Trenton
Omar Patel – Community Leader / Activist, Al-Bir Mosque – Central Florida
Johari Abdul-Malik – Imam, Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center
Qutaiba Albluwi – Imam of Muslim Community Center of Kingston
Farhan Syed – Member, All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS)
The National Council of Nigerian Muslim Organizations, USA
Qazi – Principal , Nawal Academy
Cathy Morrow – Revert Muslim , Al-Bir Mosque – Central Florida
Joohi Tahir – Executive Director, MUHSEN
Fatima Sadaf Saied – President, Muslim Women’s Organization
Fahad Mirza – TV Program Director, AL-Hikmat TV
Eman Rashid – Education Admin., MRI Institute
Sheikh Azhar Nasser – Imam , Islamic Education Center
Inayat Walli – President, Husseini Islamic Center of Florida
Bassem Chaaban – Executive Director, American Islam
Timothy J Gianotti – Associate Professor, Renison University College, University of Waterloo, and the Islamic Institute for Spiritual Formation, Toronto
Anas Shaikh – Imam & Resident Scholar, Islamic Organization of the Southern Tier
Hassan Shibly – Chief Executive Director, CAIR Florida
Alaa Youssef – President, Upper Westchester Muslim Society
Muslim Center of Somerset County
Susan Douglass – K-14 Education Outreach Coordinator, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University
Hussam Ayloush – Executive Director, CAIR-LA
Halil Atas – CEO North East Islamic Community Center
Zahra Billoo – Executive Director, CAIR San Francisco Bay Area
Shamudeen – Imam, ICNEF
Volkan Yildirim – Religion Instructor, Lehigh dialogue center
Fatima Sultan – Executive Director, Zanbeel Art Inc.
Ahmed Gomaa – President of the Board, Scranton Chapter, Islamic Association of North Eastern PA
Sedin Agic – Imam, Islamic Center of Bowling Green KY
Suleyman Eris – President, Respect Graduate School
Hesham A. Hassaballa – Writer, “God, Faith, and a Pen”
Osama Mulki – Director, Islamic Center of Lawrence, Kansas
Baha Safadi – Chairman, Citizens Advisory Board for Fair and Impartial Policing
Asthma Zaidi – Professor, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
A K Tayiem – President of Islamic center of Leavenworth
Kamil Mufti – Resident Scholar/Imam, Islamic Foundation of Peoria
American Center for Outreach
Karen Dabdoub – Executive Director, CAIR-Cincinnati
Islamic Center of Boston
Basim Elkarra – Executive Director, CAIR Sacramento Valley
MUSLIM FORUM OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST (MFPNW) Sumaiya Ahmed – Co-Founder, Greater Detroit Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Council
M. Ashraf Shaikh – Chairman BOT
Nihat Yesil – President/Imam, The Blue Mosque [Houston]
Fozia Saleem-Rasheed – Neonatologists, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan
Fouad Khatib – President, Muslim Community Association, Santa Clara, CA
M. J. Khan – President, Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH)
Joohi Taher – Executive Director, MUHSEN
Sumaiya Ahmed – Co-Founder, Greater Detroit Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Council
Bilal Elsakka – Director of Tarbiya and Religious Services, MAS Community and Youth Center – Elk Grove
Tahir U. Abdullah – Assistant Director of Spiritual Life & Advisor for Muslim Affairs, The University of Chicago
Danielle LoDuca – Writer and founder,
Tabish Hasan – Founder, Muslim Ad Network
Muhammad Musri – President, Islamic Society of Central Florida
Jacob Bender – Executive Director , CAIR – Philadelphia Chapter
Sarwat Husain – President, CAIR-TX
Bilal Ankaya – Imam/Director of Interfaith Dialogue, The Institute of Islamic and Turkish Studies and Ezher (bloom) Mosque
Aamer Ahmed – President, MA’RUF
Mustafaa Carroll – Executive Director, CAIR-TX, Houston Chapter
Hamid Khan – Deputy Director, The Rule of Law Collaborative and Adjunct Professor, University of South Carolina
Michael Wolfe – President, Unity Productions Foundation
Alex Kronemer – CEO, Unity Productions Foundation
Faisal Qazi – Vice President, The Whitestone Foundation
Mustapha Elturk – Ameer, Islamic Organization of North America IONA
Dalia F Fahmy – Assistant Professor of Political Science , LIU
Manzoor Ghori – Majlis Member, ISNA
Shamira Chothia Ahmed – Co-Founder, The Rahmah Foundation
Jawaad A. Rahman – UPF, Director of Development
Khurrum Wahid – National Chairperson, Emerge USA
Ubaydullah Evans – Executive Director, American Learning Institute for Muslims
Patricia Anton – Executive Director, Alanur
Mohammad Iqbal Al-Nadvi – President | Executive Director , Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Canada | Al-Nadwa Institute
Danielle LoDuca – Director,
Masuma Virji – Co-Founder, United Muslim Foundation
Ahmed Niazy – Co-Founder, Message For Mankind
Jamal Hassouneh – Board of Directors, Aisha Cultural Center
Tariq Rasheed – Imam, Islamic Center of Orlando
Roohe Ahmed – Board Member , The Rahmah Foundation
KHIZR MOHAMED – Director, Al-Haya – Muslim Youths
AbdulRehman Chaudary – President, Muslim Center of Somerset County
Hajira Shujaat – Outreach Chair , Muslim Women’s Organization
Hasan Khan – Executive Director, Straight Path Capital Inc
Abdul Rahman Waheed – Co-Founder, Principal , Michigan Islamic Institute
Naiyerah Kolkailah – President, Islamic Society of SLO County
Umer Ahmad – Board Member, SouthWest InterFaith Team (SWIFT) Illinois
Roofi Ahmed – Board Member, Noor Islamic Cultural Center
Shabbir Motorwala – Co Founder, Coalition of South Florida Muslim Organizations
Shamshad Ahmad – President, Masjid As-Salam, Albany, NY
Mahmoud shalash – Imam, ISLAMIC center of Lexington
Khalid J. Qazi – Founding President, Muslim Public Affairs Council of WNY
Faisal Ahmad – Director, The Fiqh Institute
Michele Ouansafi – Principal, Nooran Islamic School
Pembe Yasarlar – Director of Education , Crescent Academy International
Mohammed Mohiuddin – Chairman, Board of Trustees, Islamic Society of Frederick
Aasim Rashid – Founder, Principal, Al-Ihsan Educational Foundation
Aida Aminzai – Co-founder , Blessed Tree Foundation
Yama Niazi – Imam, Islamic Society of Santa Barbara
Abrar Malik – Imam/Mufti, Masjid AlFalah
Qurat Mir – Board, Founding Member , Rabata
Leila Duric – Women’s Affairs Coordinator, Bosnian-American Islamic Cultural Center
Kashif Abdul-Karim – Imam, Muhammad Islamic Center of Greater Hartford
Suzan El-Rayess – Director of Development, Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center
Mohammad Jafari – Mufti, Resident Scholar and Lecturer
Masuma Virji – Co-Founder, United Muslim Foundation
Muhammad Sattaur – Executive Director, Imam Ghazali Institute
Shakiel Humayun – President, NYC Muslim Center
Yahya Momla – Imam, BCMA, Masjid Al-Salaam and Education Centre
Shabina Ahmed – M.D., Johns Hopkins Community Physicians
Sahar Shaikh – President, Muslim Women’s Organization of FL
Mohamed AbuTaleb – Imam, Islamic Association of Raleigh
Tufail Ahmed – Scholar, Al-Bilal Academy | Senior Teacher, Hollings Youth Association Co Founder
Salmaan Parkar – Sheikh, Australian Islamic College
Maliha Sheikh – Learning Coach/Programs Coordinator, Sanad Trust Foundation
Salman Malik – President, Association of Pakistani Physicians of New England
Azhar Dalal – Board Member, Islamic Center of Greater Miami
Oliver Muhammad – Senior Imam, As Salaam Islamic Center of Raleigh
Hamad Ali Rashid – Imam , California Islamic Center
Hafez El Assali – Board Member, Islamic Center of N.E. Florida
Hajira Shujaat – Outreach Chair , Muslim Women’s Organization
Adam Soltani – Executive Director, CAIR – Oklahoma Chapter
Omar Mohammedi – President, Association of Muslim American Lawyer | Professor, Fordham Law School Vilma Lopez- VP, Latino Muslims of Chicago
Zahir Bacchus – Principal, Lote Tree Foundation
Mohamed M. Elgamal – Chairman, Islamic Association of Raleigh (IAR)
Saad Tasleem – Instructor, AlMaghrib Institute
Republican Muslim Coalition
Ismail Fenni – Imam, Islamic Society of Boston
Mertze Dahlin – Managing Editor, “Journal of America”
Anwar N. Haddam, Imam Khateeb – Northern Virginia
Faraz Khan – Faculty member, Zaytuna College

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